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    Collie Association Roll of Honour
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January 2013 February 2013 March 2013 April 2013 May 2013 June 2013
July 2013 August 2013 September 2013 October 2013 November 2013 December 2013

South Hampshire December 2013

Well it’s that time of the year again and, if you can remember back to this time last year, the social and Xmas raffle at Wellow was a great success and this year it has excelled again with a turnout of 38 members / guests!

With everyone there with a drink in hand we started with the first round of skittles before the meal, which was being served at 8pm, with Jim Lawrie leading at the half way stage on 15.

After the meal we had the second round of skittles, played with some hilarious moments to say the least, and with Steve Cox coming from nowhere to win the event and a bottle of sparkling wine!

We then had a fund raising event of throwing coins up the skittle alley to see who could leave their coin closest to the bottle of drink.

Our congratulations to the winners of the evening:

·        Best Skittles Score with 25 Points:  Steve Cox

·        Nearest the Whiskey bottle: Mark Edwards

Our thanks go to Peter Merritt and all his family for arranging the evening and his grandsons for picking up and replacing the skittles etc.

After the Christmas draw was completed Bill Farr our Chairman thanked everyone for coming and the staff for the quality food and service they provided.

He also mentioned about the superb program for next year and that we need to support the club when we have top speakers, as the club is slowly but surely growing in support.  With that said he wished everyone a good breeding season and a merry Christmas and on that note we finished the evening and wished everyone a safe journey home.

Tony Cash

South Hampshire November 2013

Bill Farr, our Chairman, opened the meeting and welcomed all there. Apologies were read out from John Horstead (sold birds & given up hobby), John Mullen, David Rice and John Burton.


With the birds benched and ready, he then handed over to Tony Cash to explain the format for the evening’s judging exercise; that Mick Freeborn would judge the birds 1st - 4th and give me his judging slip, then after the club business and other matters we needed to discuss, everyone would then judge the birds 1 – 4 places but keep their slips on them till after the break. We went on to also talk in a general open discussion about the upkeep of our birds and the breeding of them at this time of year!


After the break when everyone had judged the birds, Tony Cash took to the floor in front of the birds / members and asked various people to come and join him, one at a time, with their judging slips. He then placed the birds into their order of 1 -4.  Having done that Tony then asked the member why he had judged /chosen that particular order and any pairings he would make from the birds in front of him. This went on for the complete second part of evening, with most coming up and explaining their reasons etc.


After finishing with the members Tony asked Mick Freeborn to come up and position his order to the slip he given him earlier and explain his selection, which was very interesting to us all!   I must say that most had the top 4 birds in some order or other, which goes to prove they are all getting an eye for a good bird. Well done to you all and thanks again to those who brought birds along!

South Hampshire October 2013

Bill Farr, our Chairman, opened the meeting and welcomed all there. Apologies were read out from John Horstead, and John Burton.

With all the birds benched and ready he then handed over to our judge for the evening, John Gorrell, who had travelled down from Bracknell with his own chief steward Chris Mitchell. Whilst the main judging was being carried out we dealt with club business and general matters regarding the upkeep of our birds.

Tony Cash put on his London & Southern Counties BS hat and mentioned the November L&SC BS inter-club competition and Jim Lawries’ comment that the November meeting could be used as a selection evening for the following Sunday’s Show at Smallfield. After lots of lively discussion it was time for a tea break.

Part two was a general open discussion about our birds, with the problems we face every day! Jim Lawrie brought his BIS award from Swindon so I could show you all the type of trophy that could be done for you; all agreed it would be well worth having! I will approach Michael Dobbs & Partner from Gloucester to see if I can arrange it.


As the main award judging went on John had members in the background watching the best in show being selected. He asked for questions and comments regarding his judging.


Our congratulations to the main winners of the evening

Best in Show / Best Champion Bill Farr Cin Grey cock
Best Young Bird in Show / Best Novice Peter Merritt Cin Grey cock
Best Opp Sex in Show Steve Bailey Dark Green hen
Best Beginner Dee Boscoe Sky Spangle

Best in Show & Best YB

Our thanks also to Neil Cawley, who helped our Judge and who did a great job working along side John!


After awarding the winners with their plaques we held the raffle and then Bill, our Chairman, thanked John & Chris for adjudicating and not accepting any ‘expenses’ and all of the members for bringing their birds.   He then closed the meeting and wished everyone a safe journey home.

South Hampshire September 2013

Bill Farr, our Chairman, opened the meeting and welcomed all there (23). Apologies were read out from Mark Edwards, Neil Cawley, John Mullen, John Burton and John Horstead.

Bill then handed over to Tony Cash  to read out the minutes of the last meeting, which was the Mick Freeborn show bird preparation evening. There were no comments and the minutes were taken as a true account of the meeting

The Colour Competition was any 2013 rung bird, which was judged during the first part of the evening by Jim Lawrie. We then talked about the committee meeting on 27th August regarding our Open Show and the procedures that the committee has recommended for 2014 to make the show run a lot smoother, some of the improvements’ will be to have the show office in one of the classrooms as 3 years ago away from show hall! (Benched 623)

Bio-security to be manned by 2 permanent members at all times with a mandate on allowing only one breeder and his birds through at a time. (This is where we had booking in problems) which come back to bite you later in show! There will be joint Show Managers on the floor at all times next year which will help the show run more efficiently, also there will be two colour stewards instead of one.

With Kevin Burnett rejoining us as Patronage secretary in office with Malcolm Freemantle assisting makes a much more efficient team with a system of getting all rosettes out on cages quicker!

We discussed many more items regarding show such as award surrounds & “CC” holders not being placed on winning birds etc.

After that we auction off the seed winnower and show cage that were donated. The rest of the evening was spent discussing about our birds / shows / breeding etc.

The winner of the evening’s competition was Andrew McKendrick and Jim Lawrie explained his reasons for placing the birds in order, saying that if he had to take one home it would be the flecked grey hen with good directional feathering!! Well done and thanks to all who brought along birds on the evening!

Bill thanked all and then closed the meeting, wishing all a safe journey home. The meeting finished at 9.55pm.

South Hampshire August 2013

Bill Farr, our Chairman, opened the meeting and welcomed all there (21).  Apologies were read out from Dee Selby, Mick Small, Chris & Kerrie Bellows, John Burton and John Horstead.  


Bill then handed over to Tony Cash to read out the minutes of the last meeting, which was the Nigel Darley evening.  There were no comments and the minutes were taken as a true account of the meeting. I mentioned that Trevor Tanner wasn’t a member any more and that the club brought the raffle prizes for tonight.  With that John Mullen said he would do August in future. (Thanks John)

Also John Burton has given us a bag of mixed millets for the Open Show raffle. (Thanks John)

The Colour Competition was Any Spangle or AOC Series birds, which was judged during the first part of the evening by Neil Cawley, with our new beginners watching and listening to Neil’s comments.

Bill Farr then introduced the evening’s speaker, our own Mick Freeborn talking on show preparation!

Mick started with explaining the basis of his way of preparing his birds for a show (he seems to have been good at it in the past) from spraying to dipping tails ,washing flights, head cleaning and plucking the birds up to 2 days before the show! He had on the table the various ingredients he uses for this procedure and most members noted them and made useful comments! Mick also mentioned about the cleanliness of show cages, because as a Panel Judge he sees and smells some unhygienic cages at shows which is detrimental to us all!


After the break Mick carried on with a demonstration of de-spotting a bird, ready to show.  He had brought along a heavily spotted sky cock bird for this and, as he started, we asked the beginners who hadn’t seen this before to come up to the front to watch!


We then talked about the Open Show and the support we needed to make it a success on the day, with lots of hands shooting up it means we should be OK! We need to be there at 4pm on Saturday to erect the staging and birds will be entered from 6.30 - 8pm.  On Sunday morning please be there 6.45am for booking in from 7am – 9am.

The winner of the evening’s competition was David Rice (now a Novice at shows!) with a Sky Spangle cock! Well done and thanks to all who brought along birds on the evening!


Bill thanked Mick for his talk / presentation and then closed the meeting, wishing all a safe journey home. The meeting finished at 10.05pm

South Hampshire Meeting July

Bill Farr, our Chairman, opened the meeting and welcomed all there (21), including Nigel Darley our speaker for the evening.   Apologies were read out from Jim Lawrie, Steve Bailey, David Rice, John Burton and John Horstead and we welcomed Eric Marsh, Paul Walker & Sandy Lloyd as new members/ guests.

Bill then handed over to Tony Cash to read out the minutes of the last meeting, which was the Pete Smith from Swindon evening.  There were no comments and the minutes were taken as a true account of the meeting. Tony mentioned the September 6th meeting again as this was now on as per the program, with sales / general evening, etc.  There will be more information later.

Bill Farr then introduced the evening’s speaker, Nigel Darley from Tadley.  Nigel started by giving a full brief of his history in the keeping of birds in general, starting off with foreign birds & budgies and about being a member of the Basingstoke CBS in the 60’s. He went through the highs & lows of his early years and how he got involved in the running of various bird clubs.

After the break Nigel carried on with details of the feeding and supplements that he uses today and also what he used in the past. He had brought with him several items that he uses and he gave a comprehensive analysis of their contents and the benefits’ that the  birds gained from them, which generated lots of discussion about these and others vitamins’ etc that some of the audience use as well! 

The Colour Competition was Any Blue Series birds, which Tony Cash judged during the first part of the evening.

The winner of the evening’s competition was Mick Small with a super sky Barhead hen! Well done and thanks to all who brought along birds on the evening!

Bill thanked Nigel for his talk / presentation and for not taking any expenses and then closed the meeting, wishing all a safe journey home.

South Hampshire Meeting June

Bill Farr, our Chairman, opened the meeting and welcomed all there (20), including Pete Smith our speaker for the evening.  Apologies were read out from Jim Lawrie, Dee Selby, John Burton and John Horstead.


With the Colour Competition /Green Series birds benched, which John Mullen was to judge during the first part of evening, Bill then handed over to me to read out the minutes of the last meeting, which was the Young Stock show judged by Neil Johnson.  There were no comments and the minutes were taken as a true account of the meeting. I mentioned that the September 6th meeting was now back on as per the program, with a sales evening, etc.


Bill Farr then introduced the evening’s speaker, Pete Smith from Swindon.  Pete started by giving a brief of his history in the keeping of birds in general, starting off with foreign birds and being a member of the Cirencester CBS.  His first ever show was at Gloucester, where he bought some budgies from the sales class, which was the start of him keeping budgies 20 years ago.


Like many breeders he has moved about and built a few different aviary’s/sheds/lofts up to his new present one which is 20` X 10` with 24 all wire breeding units (having tried all sorts of units etc and found these worked well for him).  All the time he was speaking from the top table his laptop was on the side with rolling photos of winning birds that he had taken, which was of interest to many!


Pete talked about his breeding results over the years and the different stock he had brought in from various breeders/bloodlines to try and breed the winning bird! One thing which showed up from his meticulous records was that if a pair had clear eggs on the first round then it was 85% certain to have clear again in 2nd round. (Interesting)


After the break Pete was asked to comment on the Green Series birds brought along by members and what he thought of the members judging skills.  He said that John had made a good job of it and he would have picked the same 1 -3 order.   This then brought up a few interesting comments from various members. There were lots of positive and interesting observations, so ‘well done’ to all the winners.  As we all know, Pete is in his 3rd year training to be a BS Panel judge, so good luck with that and we look forward to seeing him at the Open Shows at Dorset, Gloucester and the Welsh BS this year.

The winner of the evening’s competition was Peter Merritt - well done and thanks to all who brought along birds on the evening!

The meeting finished at 9.59pm.  Bill thanked Pete for his presentation and for not taking any expenses and then closed the meeting, wishing all a safe journey home.

South Hampshire Meeting May

Judge for the evening.  Apologies were read out from Nigel Darley, Bryon Shaw, John Burton and John Horstead.

With the birds benched Neil started his judging, with David Rice acting as steward for the evening, whilst we dealt with club business.

Bill then handed over to me to read out the minutes of the last meeting, which was the Pairs competition with Andrew McKendrick judging.  There were no comments and the minutes were taken as a true account of the meeting.

I gave a brief of the format for the evening, which was asking Neil to choose Best Young Bird overall and Best Opposite Sex, as well as section winners. I also mentioned that our web site now has a members profile section and if members send me their pictures and a brief of themselves I will add them in along with the first profile, which was Neil Cawleys!

Neil had finished his judging by the break, so after that and the raffle he gave a detailed assessment of the birds. He had put a Grey Green Cock up as Best Bird, saying it had some growing to do to become a super budgie!

Neil then started to give comments regarding the quality of the birds benched and the faults and good features that were in front of him.   He also gave the reason why he had chosen the Sky as Best Opposite Sex.

With each bird commented on, along with comments from various members, he then took questions from the floor.  There were lots of positive and interesting comments, so ‘well done’ to all the winners.  

The winners on the evening were:


Best Young Bird: Mick Freeborn  with a Grey Green  Cock (Best Champion)

Best Opp. Sex Young Bird: Mick Small with a Sky Hen (Best Beginner)
Best Intermediate Bird: Jim Lawrie with a Spangle Cock
Best Novice Young Bird: Neil Cawley with a Grey Green Hen   
Best Beginner Bird: Mick Small with a Sky Hen 
Best Barhead: Jim Lawrie

Well done to all who brought birds on the evening!

The meeting finished at 9.40.  Bill thanked all members and closed the meeting, wishing all a safe journey home.

South Hampshire Meeting April

Bill Farr, our Chairman, opened the meeting and welcomed all there. Apologies were read out from Peter Merritt, Steve Bailey, Ray Nichols, John Horstead and John Burton. 

With the birds benched we elected Andrew McKendrick to do the judging, whilst we dealt with club business.  Bill then handed over to Tony Cash to read out the minutes of the last meeting, which was the AGM, together with the minutes of the committee meeting held just after the AGM.  There were no comments and the minutes were taken as true accounts of the meetings.
Tony gave a brief of the format for the evening, which was asking everyone to pair up the birds as if they were the only birds in their stud and then comparing them to Andrews’s pairings. They also had to mark up the best three pairs and then Nigel Darley allocated points to the various pairings to see who came out best.

After 30 minutes we had finished judging the pairings, so we stopped for a tea break and general chat while Nigel did the marking. I was also taking adverts for our open show schedule on 11th August, which will be F.O.C. on all entries, with monetary rewards for benching 12 Cages and also for 20 Cages.

We then asked Andrew to give us his comments regarding the quality of the birds benched and the faults and good features that were in front of him.  He also said why he had chosen his pairings.  In trying to balance the good features and faults out, he gave his ideas for improving the birds, bearing in mind that he didn’t know the background / pedigree of them.   

We had breeders there from top champions like Mick Freeborn to beginners like David Rice and Dee Selby, so it was nice to see the interaction between them all.   

The main winners on the evening were:

·         Malcolm Freemantle: 24 Points

·         David Rice: 14 Points

Well done to all of the above on having a good eye for pairing up and thanks for bringing your birds.

Bill Farr our chairman then closed the meeting and wished all a safe journey home!

South Hampshire AGM Meeting - March 2013

Bill Farr, our Chairman, opened the meeting and welcomed all there. Apologies were read out from   John Mullen, Chris & Kerrie Bellows and John Burton. 

South Hampshire Minutes of AGM 2012:

This was read out as above to all members and there were no comments.

(Minutes as true account of AGM 2012:

 Proposed by Mick Freeborn – Seconded by David Rice)

The President’s Report

The President, Tony Cash, started by saying a thank you to everyone connected to the club for the work they did and apologised if he had forgotten anyone.  He said that both Mick Freeborn and Peter Merritt had put in a tremendous amount of work over the year to ensure that South Hampshire BS remained one of the best clubs in the south and that there had been some great meetings with entertaining speakers.  He also mentioned that the programme for this year was looking good as well.

 The Chairperson then gave his report:

Bill Farr said he had enjoyed the year very much and that having good speakers made it even better. He went on to thank his committee for all of their hard work during the year. He said he was a little disappointed with the entry at our open show and hoped this would improve this year.

General Secretary’s report:

Tony Cash started by thanking the committee for all their work during the year, which had contributed to the success of the club. He said the club had picked up 3 new members during the year and now had 35 members. All of the meetings had been reasonably well attended during the year because of the quality of the program / speakers and he hoped this would continue during 2013 and beyond.

Treasurer’s report and Membership

Peter Merritt went through the profit and loss/balance sheet reports that had been given out to members. Peter said that, compared to 2012, there were not a lot of differences and gave a full detailed explanation of the accounts.  (Accounts Proposed by Tony Cash – Seconded by Steve Bailey)

Election of Officers:

The President took over the chair for the election of Chairperson and officers:

See Officers page

Installation of New President 

Tony Cash then asked Pam Freemantle to come forward and receive the Chain of President for the coming 2 years. Pam said it was an honor to be President and hoped she would make a good job of it.

The AGM finished at 9.26

Regarding the Open Show in August, we are having an auction of birds again to raise funds for the club. We also discussed many ways to increase the show benched entry.  After lots of conversation it was decided to forward this to the new committee to pursue and resolve. I had moved the Northdowns BS date in September to the 6th, which clashes with us, to allow a top speaker in Dr Rob Marshall from Australia to give a talk etc. Peter Merritt is looking to get a new date for our Birdie sale evening.

Donated Birds:

·         Tony Cash

·         S&G Cox

·         Steve Bailey

·         Mick Freeborn

·         Peter Merritt

·         Bill Farr

·         Nigel Darley

Thank you for all of your support and Bill thanked all members and closed the meeting, wishing all a safe journey home.

South Hampshire February 2013   

Bill Farr, our Chairman, opened the meeting and welcomed all there as well as Steve Hillier a new member to the club! Apologies were read out from Bryon Shaw, John Horstead, John Burton, Wally Sheppard, Dee Selby, Chris & Kerrie Bellows and Geoff Biddlecombe.

Bill then handed over to Tony Cash to read out the minutes of last meeting, which was taken as a true account of events. I then went on to discuss the next meeting, which is the AGM and go through those willing to stand again and any other nominations for the committee.  John Mullen wishes to become a member and will be proposed at the AGM.

Our President elect was with us tonight, “Pam Freemantle” and we are all delighted with her taking on the role of President! I then passed around a copy of the 2013 Show Schedule for comments etc or for any one wanting to change their advert or to even have any new adverts, to which Steve Cox of S&G Cox said he would have an advert in this years Schedule! On donated birds for the auction, we now have seven as Nigel Darley has added to the list along with Tony Cash, Mick Freeborn, Steve Cox, Bill Farr, Steve Bailey and Peter Merritt and we thank you all as this will cover the costs of hall etc.

With club business and show / AGM bits out of way we then had an interesting evening talking about our great hobby and discussing about the Cinnamons that were brought as the bird of the evening (many thanks to those that brought birds for the meeting!).

Just before the end Neil Cawley got up to say a few words on his new   position  as General Secretary of Dorset & District BS and to ask for support for the club saying he and others will try to reciprocate  etc.

After the raffle Bill Farr thanked every body.  He then closed the meeting and wished everyone a safe journey home.

South Hampshire Meeting January 2013  

Bill Farr, our Chairman, opened the meeting and welcomed all there. We then had a minute’s silence for Richard Hall. Apologies were read out from John Horstead, John Burton, Chris & Kerrie Bellows and Geoff Biddlecombe.

With 19 birds benched and ready, Bill then handed over to me to explain the format for the evening, which was talking about our breeding problems in the first session, looking at the birds during the tea/coffee break and then discussing them in part 2 with a view to which we would take home with us & why!

With lots of discussion on day old chicks dying and various ways to eradicate this we went on to talk about all sorts of problems, as well as feeding methods etc.

I had printed off various sheets of information I had collated on bird’s illness & stress / feeding, which were passed around during the evening and I will email these to all those that said yes!

I also put on my London & Southern Counties BS hat to mention that I had drawn up a map of the UK showing where we have BS council members.  This showed a lack of representatives in the South/South East of the country!

After this we asked Steve Cox, a BS panel judge, to give his views on the birds on the staging as if it was an open show.  He went on to explain about his views on various birds, especially the cobalt Spangle of Nigel Darley with good head feather etc: This subject took us onto the Judging at the BS club show with lots of comments on the results and positions of certain classes. (Very political)

We all had a great evening talking about this great hobby of ours and many thanks to all that brought birds for the meeting!

After the raffle Bill Farr thanked every body.  He then closed the meeting and wished everyone a safe journey home.

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