South Hampshire BS March
Annual General Meeting
Jim Lawrie, our Chairman, opened the meeting at
8:00pm and welcomed all there. Apologies were received from Derek
Before the main business started, the Chairman
announced the death of Kevin Burnett and asked we all give a clap in
memory of him.
South Hampshire Minutes of AGM 2019: No copy
available due to Tony Cash’s passing.
Malcolm Freemantle was presented by Andy Thorpe
on behalf of L&SCBS their highest Award The Silver Star, and Pam
Freemantle was presented with a lovely bouquet of flowers.
The President’s Report:
The President, Malcolm Freemantle, thanked
everyone connected to the club for the work they did over the last
year and the clubs continuing success.
The Chairman Report:
Despite a slight fall in attendance numbers, due
to understandable reasons, the Club is in a healthy position. We
have around 40 members and over £4000 in the bank. We have had other
interesting programme of events and guest speakers last year, and
again we have a full programme for 2020-21. This is due to the
efforts of the late Tony Cash as the then General Secretary, the
role is now assumed by Steven Murdoch, who set programme's for 2
years ahead. In addition to Tony’s passing in December 2019, we also
sadly lost recently, a founder member, active supporter and past
President of the Club, Kevin Burnett.
The 2019 Open Show was disappointing in terms of
the numbers of birds benched - some 450 birds. we believe this was
due to a variety of outside factors and not a negative reflection on
the Club. However we still retain “Gold” Open Show status for our
2020 Open Show.
Your Committee is already working hard to make
this a successful show, which will be held, in remembrance of Tony
cash and Kevin Burnett. On a more upbeat note, the club was pleased
to announce that the London & Southern County BS had awarded Malcolm
Freemantle, our President (and previous
President), it’s highest award for his services over 60 years to the
Fancy and development of the Clearwing variety of Budgerigar. In
fact, Malcolm also wrote a book on The Art of Breeding Clearwings.
We are confident of the continued success of the
Club as we move forward to celebrating our 40 year anniversary in
General Secretary’s Report: With Tony
Cash's unfortunate passing their was No Report.
Treasurer’s Report and Membership:
Treasurer' Report and Membership updates - Peter
Merritt took the meeting through the accounts highlighting the main
features. In particular that the Club had made a profit of
£49.77 at the 2019 Open Show. This was
significant as most Clubs operated at loss. The main reasons for our
success was the Club members supporting the Club through sponsorship
and donated birds to raise funds by auction. He explained that the
Club’s finances were in a very healthy state, holding a bank balance
of in excess of £4,000. We also have a membership of around 40. He
also asked for approval on giving a Donation to The Blue Cross in
Memory of Kevin, which all members approved.
Election of Officers:
Election of Officers - President, Malcolm
Freemantle took the Chair for the election of the Chairman. Jim
Lawrie was prepared to stay on for this year, and there being no
other nominees, was re-elected as Chairman. He then resumed the
Chair for the election of other officers' positions.
The Chairman put forward that the current
committee individuals were prepared to stand for office again. There
being no further nominations from the floor it was proposed by Mick
Small and seconded by Chris Bellows that these appointments should
be confirmed.
Open Show:
It was suggested that for the Auction of Birds we
go down to 1 bird from a well known breeder, and have 3-4 birds from
members with a box in front of each one so people can pay
£1.00 to put their name into the box of their
choice and can have as many turns as they want. It was also
mentioned we make sure we make full use of our Team Cages.
The chairman explained that the Committee had
been discussing ways to improve the club meetings, and they had come
up with a few ideas like a monthly lottery where if members wanted
they could put a £1 in for their name to go into a draw and at the
end of the evening a members name would be pulled out and the
winning member would take away the money
raised on the evening from the draw. Another idea
was to have a points competition and give Awards out at our Xmas
Event. Another idea is subsidised Aviary visits, which all members
liked the idea of, so the committee will talk about how it will work
and bring back to the members to agree with. Another idea that
members agreed was to have a Seminar in June on a Sunday at our
meeting Hall.
Steve Bailey suggested we have a General
Knowledge Quiz evening.
Mike Freeborn also let everyone know that in 2022
the Club Celebrates it’s 40th Anniversary and our Chair asked people
to think of ways to celebrate and I mentioned people can email the
secretary ideas if they wish but one idea was to have a Gala Dinner
and invite other Societies along. The AGM closed at 9:45 pm.
The Chairman closed the meeting at 9:55pm and
thanked those present for their attendance and wished them a safe
journey home. |