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      Collie Association Roll of Honour
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South Hampshire B.S. membership fees for the year 2025

Ordinary Member                              £8.00

Husband & Wife                                £11.00

Partnerships (per member)               £8.00

Senior Citizens                                    £5.00

Juniors                                                £2.00

 Please send payment to South Hampshire Budgerigar Society and post to:

Treasurer/Membership Sec.
Mr Peter Merritt,
2 The Pollards,
Lower Common Road,
West Wellow, Romsey,
Hampshire, SO51 6BT
07585 332121

For new members we require:

Name, Address, Email, BS Number and Status

Existing and new members, you can also pay by Bank Transfer:

South Hampshire Budgerigar Society
Sort Code 56 00 64
Acct No. 99128705

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